
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

Orphans Widows Neighbors. O.W.N. is a ministry focused on God's glory, the proclamation of the Gospel, and serving the community. Our hope is that lost souls will find our website and be challenged by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that people would awaken to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ!  Also, we hope that our ministry will encourage the church with events and reports of God's working in our community. 

I Don't Need Faith!

Is this what you think? What's your life situation? Really think about that for a minute and ask yourself where your hope is resting today. That's a critically important question for every person to investigate.

Want to play a game? Put yourself as the person of interest in the following scenario.                    

Sure I'll Play.

Let's say you've been saving lots of money, you have a good education, tons of friends, and you couldn't be happier. Then you wake up tomorrow and find a large lump under your arm. You travel to the doctor to have her take a look. Upon investigation she tells you that you need to get some blood work done immediately.

You're a little concerned but fairly optimistic since up until this point in your life everything has gone pretty well, and hey, you haven't even known a person close to you who's ever died. So you go to the lab to get your blood taken and then get back to living your life as you'd been doing before this little inconvenience ever got in your way.

I'll Be Fine, You'll See.

A couple of days later the phone rings and it's the doctor. She says she needs to see you immediately. You ask if there is a problem but she deflects your question and demands that you come to the office now. The entire drive over your mind is racing. Your thoughts aren't at all like they were just 20 minutes ago. You're not thinking of your brand new roadster or the new home theater you just had custom built. You're not thinking about the $300,000 you're bankrolling in the markets, or the new girl you've been flirting with down at the office.

Instead, you find yourself growing in terror as you realize how empty your life has truly been. Your mind starts to recall how many times you've betrayed your wife and children as you lusted after countless women. You begin to grieve as you suddenly become keenly aware of the time you wasted harming the very people you were supposed to love. Your car, your home theater, your house, your money... they have all betrayed you. You had hoped in them but they aren't able to help you now.

So What's The Verdict?

The days that followed the doctor telling you that you have terminal lymphoma went by like a blur. Now you just lay in bed, hopeless, exhausted from the torturous treatments, waiting to die. And even though this would be the best time in your entire life to get "religious" you just can't seem to believe.  

Death is your enemy, but now this is an enemy you face alone. You've always been able to win when you wanted to, but now you will lose forever. And even though you hate the reality of death you fail to realize that you have invested your entire life into that which brings death.

Sin is death and death is sin. You don't think so?
