
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

Orphans Widows Neighbors. O.W.N. is a ministry focused on God's glory, the proclamation of the Gospel, and serving the community. Our hope is that lost souls will find our website and be challenged by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that people would awaken to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ!  Also, we hope that our ministry will encourage the church with events and reports of God's working in our community. 

I Don't Believe In Sin!

So you claim you don't believe in sin? Take a moment to pause and examine your statement, and while you do so fix your eyes on the picture to the right. Look at the horror and the magnitude of destruction that human beings are capable of carrying out as displayed in a nuclear weapon.  

Regardless of where you stand politically, socially or economically, it is utterly undeniable that a nuclear weapon is the ultimate icon of death in the world today. Nuclear weapons are leveraged as powerful political tools because of the terrifying energy and destructive nature they possess. As symbolic of death as nuclear weapons are, that symbolism is by default, shared with a partner named sin; the wickedness of man.


What's That Got To Do With Me?

While it's true that you are probably like the other 99.99% of us who have never had any direct relationship to the development or deployment of nuclear weapons, the people who have aren't any different from you. In fact, they are actually just like you. 

Take a look at some of the most universal icons that we have designated as evil among the human race. It's quite natural for you to look at other people who are so obviously guilty of evil and see them as wholly different than you.

You most likely haven't murdered millions of people. You most likely haven't led a cult of drug induced hippies into murdering a pregnant woman. You most likely haven't done time in a federal prison. In fact, you most likely haven't ever even been arrested and convicted of a single crime in your entire life.

But does that really mean you're different or better than those who have?  Because you see yourself as better than others, are you really and actually good? Are you the one who sets those standards?

I'm Better Than Any Murderer!

While that might be a socially agreed upon perspective, it is one that is flawed in its lack of fundamental truth. You see, if you decide on what is good and bad then how can we arrive at what is truth? Your opinion of what is good will be vastly different than your neighbor's opinion on quite a few issues. So how can you make such a claim?    

At the same time you cannot dismiss truth by saying it doesn't exist, and remain truthful. If you argue against absolute truth then you have no argument at all because how can you even say what you're arguing is right? If there is no truth then no one is ever wrong.

In the end there is truth... and you know it. 

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